will be determined based on current prices from the Dutch Postal Services (PostNL). When I reply to your order request I can tell you the expected shipping cost because it depends on weight and size of the parts, package material, special package whishes etc. A indication of the shipping prices (subject to change at any moment) can be found in this table (new window).
I have a daytime job and a family life, so sometimes it will take a day (or even a few) before I reply to your order request. So be patient. If you havent receive a reply after a week,
please feel free to send me a reminder using the contact form.
I can't send PCB's, small 3D printed parts etc to other countries in a letter anymore. A few envelops where intercepts and destroyed resulting in angry e-mails from OM's that they didn't receive there parts. So I'm only sending (letterbox) packages with Track & Trace.
For some countries like the UK, a phonenumber is required when sending packages.
As of 1 January 2025 the Dutch postal services has again increased the shipping rates for all shipping methodes dramaticly and also changed products. For example they stope having a 0-100 gram category, so everything starts now up to 500 gram. I don't like it, but I have no other option follow up on them.