Nederlandse Modelspoor Dagen 2008
This page was last updated : 11-Mar-20 23:09:53
A lot of OM's have pets in there shack, read the story about my shack pets. My shack has shack pets.
Continue reading . . . .
Every year in December VERON VRZA Twente organizes a self-build exhibition which I try to visit. I could drive with a fellow OM to the club house and I brought some project with me to show.
On hackaday there is a post with the question : Are Hackers the future of amateur radio?
I shared my thoughts on this. continue reading . . .
Hans Summers releases a new product: the QMX+ multi-band multi-mode transceiver. I didn't hesitated for a moment and ordered one.
The construction is documented in this page.
Adding some safety to my UpCon6W from Amsat-DL. A WG2020X Isolator from RF-TyT to protect me from screwing things up.
Read more . . .
Today I received my QRP-Labs QMX. So I started building it and tried to document the build.
Spring cleaning in my shack. While stocks last, I'm giving away sets of 2 old stock PCB's for my QRP-Labs broadcast band filter for postage cost only. Checkout: and if you like it, fill in the webshop order form to get yours.
I have added new K2 mods and articles to this website . . . . (continue reading)
I'm now on HamShack Hotline 420-000-0225 (or the short number 84225)
Continue reading . . .
When you want to measure output power and don't have a power or dBm meter, but do have a oscilloscope and a 50 ohm load, you good to go.
Check out this page on which I describe how to do it.
I updated the 40dB RF Sampler page because although I was very happy with the result, I found out that I forgot a small thing.
To be exact, a small piece of wire which flattens the curve on higher frequencies.
In the winter of 2022 I bought the original TinySA at Eleshop and when they published that the would sell the TinySA Ultra, I ordered it right away.
The last weeks I have worked on a few small mini projects :
- QRP-Labs broadcast band filter a QRP-Labs filter compatible HighPass filter configured for Broadcast band suppression.
- Component Measuring Adapter for QRP-Labs filter adapter a small add-on to measure components with your QRP-Labs filter adapter.
The used Elecraft K2 I got my hands on needed some work on the 20m band and for the alignment of the 20m BPF I could follow the Elecraft manual. But owning a NanoVNA . . . . . well you know where this is going ;-)
I got my hands on a used Elecraft K2 which needed some work.
And as always I started working on it and added a usb mod.
My OZ2CPU digitale RF mW-dBm-mV meter has a input range from 1nW to 1W which is good enough for QRPp rigs and my TinySA has a imput limit of +10dBm / 10mW. When you want to measure on equipment which gives more output power, you need a serious set of attenuators, or you could build yourself a 40dB RF sampler.
Help spread the word and show your support with these free (vinyl) stickers.
On 30 june 2022 I got a mailing from RaspberryPI store that the Raspberry PI foundation has released a new PI Pico which also includes a wireless module for Wifi and Bluetooth.
So I ordered 4 of them to get myself familiar with this new microcontroller and to do some experiments with it. And 1 day later postman dropped of a package.
Through this Soldersmoke blog post, I came across this blog post from Owen Duffy ex VK1OD now VK2OMD.
He asked him self : Are radio hams 'makers' ?
IMHO a valid question on which I given my point of view. Continue reading . . . .
Early June 2022 I got a e-mail from OM Cor PA4Q that he has visited my website again and he wrote me that he started to make the Anderson PowerPoles his standard connector for all the hamradio devices running on a 12-15V DC. He upgraded his FT817 like I did but he also wanted to upgrade other equipment and for that he needed good chassis parts. In his option (and I agree) these are hard to find or way to expensive.
Continue reading . . .
Fellow ham and hamradio homebrewer Gilles F1BFU bought 2 adapter kits of my for his experiments. After a few months he ordered 2 additional kits for a friend and told me that he was working on a uSDX version designed by Barb WB2CBA design. He asked me if I could design a adapter that could fit the WB2CBA LPF for measurements and when I told hem I could take a look at it if I had a LPF PCB he send me a bare PCB.
This website doesn't have ads and I try to keep it that way. But when you like to content on this website, you can support me by :
Buying part, products and left-overs which I sell through my For Sale page.
Because I love playing chess (although just being a average player), I added a section about chess to this website.
As a hamradio homebrewer I often use my NanoVNA to measure filters, antennas and crystals. But a NanoVNA is much more than that, you can also measure components with it.
Continue reading . . .
Now also availible as complete or build kit. Check out this ForSale page.
What's on my hamradio bookshelf? After cleaning the shack I thought about adding a article to this blog on which book i have and use in the shack.
After a few weeks I decided to setup the dish temporary in my backyard and made some cables to wire every thing up.. The original setup had a off focus placed 4.5 turn helix which was ok, but didn't give the expected punch and the signals where a little bit weak in SSB on the QO-100. Other operators told me that the signal was readable but not that strong. So that was one thing to improve and the idea a of a new Helix feed was born.
Continue reading.
A few months ago I ordered a ATU100 kit from China (without a case), and on a rainy weekend I decided to build it together. This ATU is equipped with a 1.3" OLEDd display and one thing I hate about these displays is that you almost can't install them without damaging the glass. Thinking about it, I decided that I need a 3D printable frame which puts all the mechanic stress on the PCB instead on the glass . . . Continue reading . . .
Today I installed one the Electron Volt Limited AGC's in my QCX-mini and it works like a charm.
Today I installed one the Electron Volt Limited AGC's in my QCX+ and it works like a charm.
Continue reading . ..
Recently my son-in-law got a tip that the Creality company had a nice set offer for the LD-002R resin printer. That set would include the LD-002R resin printer and the UW-01 washing and curing unit for a very reasonable price.
Because I recently got a addition FT817ND I tried to order a new speaker at my local modelrailroad shop but they had problems delivering it (it was out of stock).
Years ago my childeren build a few crystal radio kit from Chris Dorna PE1DZX which he sold through his website. When Chhris stopped making these kits, he let that website expire to be lost for ever. Recently I was contacted by a ham who wanted to build these radio's and still had the kit building instructions in PDF. I asked Chris if he was ok with it that I shared these PDF's and hosted them on my website. Chris was ok with that so from now on the kit building instructions can be downloaded here.
Big credits to Chris.
My previous 1206 Attenuator design was a horror story because there where 2 big flaws in it.
Fixed those, ordered a "small" batch, which came in last Saturday. Build two for testing.
Now they seem to work up to 1.2GHz (good enough for the hobby).
Continue reading. . . .
For those who are in need of a FRG-7 main dial knob and have a 3D printer, today I took the knob of my Frog and started drawing.
The PCB's have arrived and I assembled one for one of my FRG's Read more . . .
I don't have a webshop and don't run a company. But when your interested in products I made, or you are looking for special parts which I use in my experiments, parts from restoration projects etc, fill in this new email form I added to my website.
I finished the design of the Crystal Measuring Adapter (CMA) for NanoVNA and will be making a limited amout of kit available from the left over parts.
KIt contains : PCB with the 4 SMD load resistors pre-soldered and 2 SMD 0 ohm resistors for the attenuator sections (0dB), 2 SMA female SMA edge connectors, 2 FT37-43 toroid, 1.2m 0.4mm lacker wire, HC49 crystal socket for crystal under test, 16 pin header strip, 3 jumpters, 3D printed plate with 6 pins, 2 3D printed T37 holders.
Check out : kit for-sale page
Sssst don't tel any one, but I'm working on a new NanoVNA adapter, check it out on this page.
Got some new toys to play with. The all new Raspberry PI PICO.
When I got my hands on a used NanoVNA H4 I couldn't resist looking inside to see if it was using shielding for the RF components. Turned out it did so I bought the right one. But one thing I noticed was the component silkscreen for a micro SD-card slot without the slot it self and because it still contained the original software which didn't mention anything about saving images to SD cards, I didn't do anything with it.
Until now . . . (continue reading)
Got my QCXmini kit from QRPLabs and finished it. So I added a complete building report (incl designs for the tilt-feet) on this page.
A few owners of the new NanoVNA H4 have requested me if I could re-design the PCB so male SMA edge connectors can be used to directly connect the adapter PCB to the NanoVNA H4. For a while I holded it off, but recently I got my hands on a used NanoVNA H4 which I'm very happy with because of the bigger screen (yes my eyes aren't getting better). I started to use the H4 and wanted a dedicated adapter for it. So I measured my NanoVNA H4 and it has a distance of 39.5mm and comments from other OM's indicate that it's quite constant +- 0.1mm.
So I made a copy of the original design and changed the board layout to fit our needs.
I have added 2 pages to the Tools and parts section of this website.
A rebuild of the K7QO noise generator and a new Dual tone audio oscillator
For RF applications, one of my favorite ways to build is the ManhattanStyle and I have build a lot of these circuits in mint tins. One thing I'm always struggling with are the 9V batteries holders and on/off switches. So I 3D designed and printed this 9V battery compartment with room for 1 or 2 common cheap PCB push button on/off switches (they come in lock and momentary versions). continue reading . . .
Recently I found a page which described Roy, W7EL, Lewallens Simple & Accurate Directional Wattmeter as it was published in 2/90 QST. Searching for more information I noticed that W1REX - QRPme also has a updated version of this Simple & Accurate Directional Wattmeter.
I re-ordered the website to have a special kitbuilding section. Check it out : link.
I added a new for sale page on which I list left-over PCB's. These PCB's are sold at cost price (excl shipping).
Book the weekend of August 8 and 9 in your agenda for this event.
Check out :
When people buy one of my PCB's, kits etc. I ask then if they send me a picture when they build it or using it. Below you find images some OM's send me.
So check out the Customer Gallery.
Once in a while I've been asked which tools I use for my hobby (both ham radio and model railroad).
On this page you find a list of tools I find use full.
I had a few QRP-labs lowpass filters and bandpass filters kits laying around and because I had nothing better to do this afternoon, I fired up the soldering station and assembled them. After that they need to be tested and tuned.
Due to the Corona (COVID-19) virus my employer asked us 2 weeks ago to work at home (when possible) to prevent spreading it. This would initially be until 6 April 2020, but I was expecting that it would be longer. So I had to setup a descent home-office.
Today I used a new theme on my website because the original one (Simplex) was responsive but the menu's where almost impossible to navigate on a mobile device.
I will look into that in the near future, but for now I switch to a more old-fashing (non bling bling) theme which atleast works on mobile devices.
While doing the dishes I listening to the Soldersmoke postcast #218 (one of my favourite hamradio podcasts). I heard Bill talk about his HI-Per-Mite CW filter in his uBitx and said that a ham in Belgium home brewed a HI-Per-Mite CW filter for his uBitx and shown the video on the blog. Curious about the video I look at the Soldersmoke website and found out that he meant me.
I may not from Belgium, but being linked on a blog / podcast which inspires me a lot, how cool is that?
My hosting provider has finished the most migrations to a new platform. After dumping the cache of this CMS and re-generate the pages (got 500 results), everything seems to work well.
For a few years I have been hunting to get a Yaesu FRG-7 (in a reassemble state and for a reassemble price) and because of the Wadley Loop system and the absolute great vintage design.
I have been staling it for many years, but this month it just has to happen. My hosting provider send me a e-mail that within a month they will be migrating there servers and due to a few platform updates (PHP, MySQL, etc) the (very old but stable) version of CMS isn't supported any more.
Today I took a few hours to do some re-organizing my website (dumped a few old pages and merged a few) and adding content about 3D printing and my 0 gauge to it.
A hamradio horror story about a interference problem a local OM Gerald PA3GEG had when his neighbor installed a big lot of non-certified LED tubes to save some money on his electric bill.
Hoe zonnepanelen een stoorzender kunnen zijn voor deuropeners, babyfoons, digitaleradio of tv, portofoons etc.
My friend and fellow Geek @daveborghuis has started up a cool workshop with 3D printing, lasercutting and foil cutting equipment. Also he gives courses on how to do that equipment and make cool stuff yourself. But thats not all, he also gives coures reagaring Arduino / Lilypad (a wearable Arduino) and custom courses for companies for introduction or as a cool teambuilding event.
The next course will be workshop lasercutting with inktscape how cool is that?
Check out TwenSpace on Twitter, on FaceBook, on Instagram or there website
End of “Amateur” Radio?
As a hamradio operator and builder of hamradio stuff I would like to bring to you attention the article below taken from the Hot Iron 103 magazine.
Continue reading . . . .So when you want to be up to date on my projects, just follow my Instagram account and be the first to know. :-)
Continue reading...
New mod for my uBitx. I build a HI-PER-MITE 200hz width active audio CW filter which is designed by David Cripe, NM0S (check out the interview with him on QSO Today). The schematic and working is published on the HI-PER-MITE page of the Four State QRP Group.
Because I broke my utc clock the "GPS clock with multidrop databus" project was activated again. From the spareparts I had on stock the first steps are made.
Nearby lightning discharge and a LoRaWAN Gateway aint a funny thing.
If been working for a while now Anderson PowerPoles and started to apply them to all my newly build 12V/13.8V powered equipment. But there is some retro fitting to do. Continue reading added blog post about my mods. How cool is that :-)
After to much things come in between I finally made time to start boxing up my ubitx.So it's time to get to work in the workshop. The first I made was a support for the PCB so I can remove the bottom and get direct acces to the PCB. Then it was drilling time.
Or a 0 gauge papersize diorama on a A4 standard piece of paper with the size of 297 mm x 210 mm. Continue reading . . . .
But then the word was said in the postcast that Ashhar has released a new uBitX radio not as kit or just the schematics, but as a ready to experiment module for 40m with a simple VFO for a remarkable low price (just $109 incl shipping). So then things got interesting and in the second week of December 2017 I orderd it and the waiting begun.
Cointinue reading . . .
As many of my website readers know is that I like to build stuff my self and for that I have worked the last 30 years in variouse modelrailroad scales like N, HO, IIm & IIf. But sometimes you have to change to get new inspiration, so when I got my hands on some very nice Lenz Spur-0 freight cars, the idea about a new indoor modelrailroad was born. Read more . . .
Loving the kits from QRP-Labs, I knew I wanted to buy and build a QCX CW tranceiver the moment Hans Summer announced it. So when it he put it in the QRP-Labs shop I didn't hesitated for a moment and ordered the 40m kit. Read more . . .
Got my self a BitX40 module.
Read about it at this page.
LoRA GP antenna - in TTN LoRa crash course
In the LoRa crash course by Thomas Telkamp (a must view when you into LoRa or IOT) at 30:33 this design is referenced.
Thomas, thanks for the reference :-)
There is a nice archive of vintage Italian Hamradio magazines.
Check it out at : this link.
2m Preamp
I had plans for months now to build a 2m preamp based on a schematic from SV1BSX a 2m VHF preamp with about 18dB gain (for the schematic checkout this link). Last month I had worked out the component layout for the PCB and recently I had time for a realize this afternoon hamradio project. . . . read more . . .
. . . . . en weer op een goede manier :-)
Ik ben weer eens gevraagd om het een en ander te demonstreren tijdens een Grootspoorgroep bijeenkokmst in Zetten. Wederom heb ik een Newqida wagon onderhanden genomen en deze keer heb ik hem bijna laten afkeuren.
lees verder . . .
After a busy week I had to have a "get my mind of the some matters" hamradio project. So I looked in my "nice gadgets and stuff for small projects" and found the TTP224 4- Channel Digital Touch Sensor Module's I bought a few months ago on a hamradio event. Read more . . .
As long as I have my Yaesu FT-301 the hunt was on to get a external VFO for that beautifull rig. Unfortunatly that thing is very hard to get, so when Hans Summers stared to sell his Ultimate Arduino Shield kitt on idea's were forming in my mind.
Added a new mod page : Z817 BNC mod
and a information page : So NO to UHF Connectors
Enjoy the reading.
Added a new walk to the Field reports page : 2015 November walks and 2 new project to the project page : Small portable HF PA and Digimode box
Seeing variouse SSB QRP transceiver designs on the internet I have been thinking about building my own QRP SSB transceiver for almost a year now. You can start from scratch but also for starters buy one of the many kits availible from variouse supliers like Pacific Antenna/QRP Kits (Hendriks), YouKits, etc. which can be just a bag of components and a PCB, to a more just montage kind of kit like the kits from Elecraft.
Continue reading on : ILER 20 MK2 QRP SSB
Are you a amateur radio operator with a passion for portable operations outside?
Then be sure to check out the Field Radio group on Facebook or there website at, both founded by Joe K9ATG. There you will find lots of other likeminded ham operators, get inspiration for great idea's, can read field radio stories (often including great pictures) and offcourse find lots of information about fieldradio.
I have thought about it a long time, but this week I made the call.
I want to experiment with SDR in the shack. It all starts here . . . (read more)
Although my Ultimate3 was had a nice housing, a few controls where on the back and ther wasn't much room for additional stuff to be added. With that in mind I didn't hesitate a few months ago when I had the opportunity to get my hands on a batch of nice modular metal plate housings which are by design excellent for filling up with hamradio stuff.
After looking for a stand for my FT-817 I found the page of OK1CSS Stepan Synekwho made a very simple wire stand for his FT-817. When you have a FT-817 and are looking for a simple, field compatible stand. This is the one.
{cms_selflink page='ft-817-wire-stand' text='Readmore . . . '}
Added a new Hamradio project to the list. A QRP SWR indicator box.
Check it out at : {cms_selflink page='qrp-swr-indicator-box' text='QRP SWR indicator box'}
Added a new Hamradio project to the list. A QRP Fuchs Antenna matching unit.
Check it out at : {cms_selflink page='qrp-fuchs-antenna' text='QRP Fuchs Antenna'}
Updated my Worked Europian locators and DXCC's, check it out at : {cms_selflink page='worked' text='Worked'}
Added a few aditional articles to hamradio project
check them out.
Build a 36dB Attentuator a made small article about it.
Continue reading at {cms_selflink page='36db-attentuator' text='36dB Attentuator'}
Added a new page group specialy for the Yaesu FT-221R to the {cms_selflink page='mods' text='Mods for HamRadio's'} group.
Check it out at : {cms_selflink page='yaesu-ft-221r-mods' text='Yaesu FT-221R mods'}
- Mode switch puls mod safe you're preamp
- CTCSS mod because most of the dutch repeaters have CTCSS now.
- Variable output power mod because less is more
I updated my hamradio projects page.
- {cms_selflink page='frimatch-antenna-tuner' text='FriMatch antenna tuner'}
- {cms_selflink page='dipole-box' text='Dipole box'}
- {cms_selflink page='ultimate3-qrss' text='Ultimate3 QRSS'}
- {cms_selflink page='oz2cpu-meter' text='OZ2CPU meter'}
A while I started to get interested in WSPR and QRSS communication. The fun part of that would be getting as much km / watt with a DIY of kit based baken transmitter.
When looking around for some schematics and kits, I found the website of Hans Summers who has designed the Ultimate3 QRSS kit (link : website ). This kit has the most of what you need onboard for WSPR and QRSS communication and all for a nice price (aprx euro 20,00 / $28,00).
Today I published my new QSL card design.
Starting to get curious? {cms_selflink page='qsl-card' text='Take a look . . .'}
Of terwijl internet / ethernet via het stopcontact.
Eerst maar even een verkooppraatje
"Met een set powerline-adapters, ook wel homeplugs of ethernet over power (EoP) genoemd, leg je in no-time een computernetwerk aan via het bestaande elektriciteitsnet in huis. Een powerline-netwerk is een gemakkelijk alternatief voor een bedraad en draadloos netwerk. Een set van 2 adapters is eenvoudig uit te breiden met een losse adapter van hetzelfde merk."
Klinkt mooi he? Nou, er zit wel een klein addertje onder het gras. Of misschien zelfs wel een anaconda.
Lees verder : Home » Ham radio - PH2LB » Information » Powerline Communication
Informatie voor de bewoners in de Haghoek die rondom mijn huis wonen.
Antennes, vaak ontsieren ze de woonwijk, buurtbewoners zijn er vaak niet blij mee en een enkeling maakt zich zorgen, want je hoort zoveel rare dingen over straling en dat dat schadelijk is veel vragen en antwoorden vind je terug op deze pagina, die speciaal voor de buurtbewoners hier is gemaakt.
Lees verder : {cms_selflink page='voor-de-buren' text='Home » Ham radio - PH2LB » Information » Voor de buurtbewoners'}
On 6 november 2013 I took the Full License exam and with just 7 errors on the 50 questions I have pasted it . Now it's just waiting for Agentschap Telecom to process it and confirm the result. What my new call will be ?? I don't know yet, but it will be something like my old call. .
Because most of the dutch repeaters now need CTCSS to operate, I couldn't use my old Kenwood TS-700G anymore for operations on those repeaters.
Diorama in IIe - pagina 12
Na een tijdje niks te hebben gedaan aan mijn diorama i.v.m. het studeren voor mijn zendamateur license, toch maar weer een paar dingen lopen knutselen.
lees verder : Home » Modelbouw » Veldbaan - IIe » Diorama in IIe » pagina 12
This year I needed a new challenge to get me throw the autum and winter so I decided to start learning for my amateur radio Novice license. To support the training and getting more acquaint with amateur radio communication I also picking-up a hold hobby of mine : DX listening. . . . read more {cms_selflink page='hamradio' text='Ham radio'}
Sinds enige tijd ben ik aan het experimenteren met Instagram onder de naam "lmb_nl" en op een apparte {cms_selflink page='instagram' text='pagina'} zal ik foto's en links naar de betreffende instagram pagina's zetten.
Tijdens een recent bezoekje aan Modelbouw Atelier Apeldoorn om mijn lang verwachte RSSB onderdelen op te halen, kon ik het niet laten weer eens uitgebreid te snuffelen tussen de verschillende rekken met onderdelen en snuisterijtjes.
Tijdens de openmonumenten dag 2009 was de watertoren in Delden opgesteld voor het publiek en mijn moeder was daar met een vriendin bij toeval beland. . . . . . .
Er is een nieuw online forum online :
Na weken van voorbereiding is vandaag mijn oude blog vervangen door deze nieuwe website. Regelmatig zal ik in het nieuws topic mededelingen doen die verwijzen naar de gewijzigde en/of nieuwe pagina's op deze website.
Previous page: Stobbegat stoom weekend 20-21-22 juli
Next page: Open Weekend De Afslag 2007