Rail 2006

This page was last updated : 11-Mar-20 23:09:55

Jul 3, 2019


This small piece of the frequency spectrum (144.0 to 146.0Mhz) is a lot more then just a local chat channel for licensed radio enthusiasts.
Category: General
Posted by: lex

This small piece of the frequency spectrum (144.0 to 146.0Mhz) is a lot more then just a local chat channel for licensed radio enthusiasts.

The #2m #hamradio band is the only world wide harmonized hamradio band, not only used for local and regional contacts, but also for rare DX (long distance) contacts and even for EME (bouncing signals against the moon). It is also used by #students to communicate with there own build #Satellites ( #HamSat ) and they use it to communicate with the crew of the International Space Station (IIS). All to inspire them to study of take a course in engineering and/or science.

And last but not least, in times of #disaster and #emergencies this band is used by various, officially recognized, volunteer #hamradio #emergency services who help local authorities.

As you can see, there is a lot more then meets the eye. Please read the #hackaday story and I would like to ask to support your national amateur radio organisation or ask your representative, in opposing this measure. Many thanks and 73.