Rail 2006
This page was last updated : 11-Mar-20 23:09:55
Jul 22, 2019
3D printing and 0 Gauge content added
Today I took a few hours to do some re-organizing my website (dumped a few old pages and merged a few) and adding content about 3D printing and my 0 gauge to it.
Category: General
Posted by: lex
- 3D printing , the story about a new tool for my hobbies.
- 15ml cup paint holders, spilling one, needed cupholder to prevent from happing again.
- A 3D printed Koff III under a blanket as scenery prop.
- Using a 3D printed stamp to make a small diorama from foam plates .
- When Warhammer meets 0 scale , scenery props made with a 3D printer, painting and weathering it just to keep me busy.
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Next page: Nederlandse Modelspoor Dagen 2006