Nederlandse Modelspoor Dagen 2008

This page was last updated : 11-Mar-20 23:09:53

Mar 24, 2020

Working from home.

Due to the Corona (COVID-19) virus my employer asked us 2 weeks ago to work at home (when possible) to prevent spreading it. This would initially be until 6 April 2020, but  I was expecting that it would be longer. So I had to setup a descent home-office.

Category: General
Posted by: lex

Normally when I work at home I'm using the desk in the living room. Close to the kitchen to get some fresh tea, a snack, lunch etc and also with a nice view on the garden.
But the XYL is also working from home, so I setup a permanent home-office in my shack. The workbench is big enough with enough power outlets, enough Ethernet outlets, and off-course some radio's to monitor the bands.


So last 3 weeks I have been actively monitoring FT8 on the HF bands and on the 2m band. FT8 on 2m is very active in the Netherlands and the surrounding countries like the UK, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France etc. And it generating a lot of band activity. Yup, Hamradio operators, we are practicing social distance for over 100 years.


So when you are (working) at home, power up your rig and start making contacts on HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, DMR, DSTAR. Hamradio is a good way to prevent  cabin fever when you are forced to stay at home.

One advantage from working at home, Moppie (aka Monster) is often visiting me to show support and ask for attention (or just do some naps).


But this being the start of the 3rd week, the (needed) governmental rules regarding social distance (keep 1.5m distance etc), working at home is starting to get on our nerves. Although I like to work alone, I do needs intellectual sparring partners to workout idea's, concepts, POC's, etc. And in our personal live we miss my kids who are in Friesland with there mother (normally they are every weekend with me) and we do miss the visits to our parents (age 70+). The XYL and I are both outside people who likes to walk, ride our bike for long distances to get our head clear and do some hamradio in the field. Luckily we have ways to have video conferences, chat groups, make phone calles etc. But it isn't the same. 

Yesterday the government extended the rules : 


In short :

  • Stay at home unless you can't work from home or has to do some (needed shopping) or help someone.
  • Stay at home when have a gold, cough, have a sore throat or have a fever. But when you have a fever, all you housemates also have to stay in (unless you housemates have crucial occupations). 
  • All contact occupations (hairdressers etc) have to be closed immediately until 6 April. 
  • All gatherings and events are canceled until 1 June (even for groups < 100).
  • Local authoritative are allowed to implement emergency rules and write out a fine.
  • Keep a social distance from > 1.5m


One other thing : due to my hay fever my eyes and skin on my face are itchy and want to rube them. Due to my stims (#ActuallyAutistic), I want to tap my jaw when I'm thinking. With the coronavirus out there, preventing to do this is damn hard work, driving me almost crazy.  


The next weeks I will be posting frequently about working at home.