Fieldradio 2019

This page was last updated : 05-Jan-25 13:29:21

1 December

It has been a while but on 1 December 2019 the XYL and I went for a short hike on the Nationaal Natuurpark Salandse Heuvelrug.






I took with me my FT817, a 2m/70cm coax antenna and my 20m endfed to make some contacts only to find out that my main coax cable had a fault in it. One of the connectors had the center conductor lose but bending the cable in a certain way and using tape it did make contact. 


 Because of the height of the location (60m) and a bit conditions on 2m I could operate variouse repeaters over a distance of 100km with just 2.5W. On HF it was a bliss to experience just background noise instead of S9 QRM from the urban area.


 Signals came in with ease from the east coast of the US, and very strong signals all from all over Europa. Due to my 5W power limit it was hard to break a few pile-ups but managed to make a few contacts on 20m. 


 After a hour, 1.2L of hot thea and various time explaining to other hikers what we where doing, we packed up and hiked back to the car.
A afternoon well spend.



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