ZM-Award 2024 challenge cup
This page was last updated : 06-Jan-25 12:14:13
Every year in December VERON/VRZA Twente organizes a self-build exhibition which I try to visit. I could drive with a fellow OM to the club house and I brought some project with me to show.
Although there were many wonderful projects, the jury decided that they found my projects the most inspiring for other amateurs, and I should have the ZM-Award* challenge cup in my shack for a year. The ZM-Award challenge cup was presented to me by self-built grand-master and 3 x ZM-Award winner Pieter-Tjerk PA3FWM (the winner of the challenge cup last year).
Although I don't really like to get compliments (it's just a hobby for me), i'm quite happy with the appreciation. ;-)
Pieter-Tjerk PA3FWM who, won the challenge cup 3 times, by rule was entitled to keep the old challenge cup and a brand new challenge cup was handed to me. Because it still needed engraving, I couldn't take it home with me that day.
Update 4 Jan 2024 - The trophy is in the PH2LB shack.
The first Saturday of Januari, VERON/VRZA Twente always has the "new year's drinks" in there clubhouse. And that day the handed the new and engraved challenge cup to me to take home for a year.
Close up of the first engraving (name, call, year) on the new challenge cup.
Now having it stand on the cabinet with my name and call engraved, I have to say, it's big. ;-)
* The ZM-Award was named after OM Geert Koops PA0ZM (SK 29-9-2002) who lived in Twente. He was a member of Veron/VRZA Twente and a devoted "build it your self" guy.
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