ILER 20 MK2 / 3-4W QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver KIT

This page was last updated : 20-Jun-24 20:54:32

Seeing variouse SSB QRP transceiver designs on the internet I have been thinking about building my own QRP SSB transceiver for almost a year now. You can start from scratch but also for starters buy one of the many kits availible from variouse supliers like Pacific Antenna/QRP Kits (Hendriks), YouKits, etc. which can be just a bag of components and a PCB, to a more just montage kind of kit like the kits from Elecraft.

I choose to start off a little bit easy, so I started looking for a  kit should that would include all the components and the PCB. After comparing farious models, my eye focused on the ILER 20 QRP transceiver from Javier Solans - EA3GCY.

Note : Javier has a new web store (link).

After ordering the kit (and the DDS) and waiting 2 weeks for delivery, on 8 juli 2015, the postman dropped of the package.

On the following pages I will try to make a short building report about this kit.

Enjoy the reading and when you have idea's, comments etc. please contact me.