This page was last updated : 19-Jan-25 16:13:54
When I make QSO I allmost ask for the worked locator so I can add them to my CQRLog (for more info about it, visit ).
On during my summer holiday on 21 juli it was raining so hard there wasn't any other thing to do then sit indoors. So to get me through the day, I wrote a SQL query for CQRLOG to get a distinct list of all 4 character grid squares I worked in Europe. Based on the results of that list I placed markers on my "Amateur Radio European Grid Square Map". I was surprised that it's allready a total of 187 at this moment. Next job on a rainy day, mark the markers of the squares which I got confirmed by eQSL, LOTW of plain old fashion paper. ;-)
Worked DXCC's
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