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May 3, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

This website doesn't have ads and I try to keep it that way. But when you like to content on this website, you can support me by :

Buying part, products and left-overs which I sell through my For Sale page.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com at Ko-fi.com

BuyMeACoffee at BuyMeACoffee.com.

Dec 12, 2021
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Because I love playing chess (although just being a average player), I added a section about chess to this website.

Continue reading. . . . 

Nov 27, 2021
Category: General
Posted by: lex

As a hamradio homebrewer I often use my NanoVNA to measure filters, antennas and crystals. But a NanoVNA is much more than that, you can also measure components with it. 

Continue reading . . . 

Now also availible as complete or build kit. Check out this ForSale page

Aug 2, 2021
Category: General
Posted by: lex

What's on my hamradio bookshelf? After cleaning the shack I thought about adding a article to this blog on which book i have and use in the shack.

Continue reading. . . . 

Jul 12, 2021
Category: General
Posted by: lex

After a few weeks I decided to setup the dish temporary in my backyard and made some cables to wire every thing up.. The original setup had a off focus placed 4.5 turn helix which was ok, but didn't give the expected  punch and  the signals where a little bit weak in SSB on the QO-100. Other operators told me that the signal was readable but not that strong.  So that was one thing to improve and the idea a of a new Helix feed was born.  

Continue reading. 

May 24, 2021
Category: General
Posted by: lex

A few months ago I ordered a  ATU100 kit from China (without a case), and on a rainy weekend I decided to build it together.  This ATU is equipped with a 1.3" OLEDd display and one thing I hate about these displays is that you almost can't install them without damaging the glass. Thinking about it, I decided that I need a 3D printable frame which puts all the mechanic stress on the PCB instead on the glass  . . .  Continue reading . . .