uBitX module a all band/mode HF transceiver kit.

This page was last updated : 20-Jun-24 20:54:23

Beeing a longtime listener of the SolderSmoke podcast. I have heart many things about the BitX20 radio developed by Ashhar Farhan, VU2ESE. A lot of hams build that rig in variouse ways, but have build and owning a ILER20, a second diy 20m rig wasn't on my list. 


But then the word was said in the postcast that Ashhar has released a new uBitX radio not as kit or just the schematics, but as a ready to experiment module for 40m with a simple VFO for a remarkable low price (just $109 incl shipping). So then things got interesting and in the second week of December 2017 I orderd it and the waiting begun. 

Because of the big demand the was a large back-order list so it took almost 2 months before delivery. As the BitX 40 module It took less then 2 weeks to get from India to The Netherlands but then was hold 7 days at the customs for import clarifications. Had to pay a aditional euro 37 for the handling and taxes which I had expected.

So the module has arrived. At my local electronics dump store I bought a nice used case. Removed the content and made new a front and backpannel. It's a old line of cases formally build in Italy . The company stopped producing these case years ago. But it's my choice of case and when I can get the hands on one I get them.


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