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Jan 15, 2015
Category: General
Posted by: lex

I have thought about it a long time, but this week I made the call.

I want to experiment with SDR in the shack. It all starts here . . . (read more)

Dec 28, 2014
Category: General
Posted by: lex
From time to time a pack my bag and go for a short "field" trip to test my antenna's or just to get a moment away from my QTH. Sometimes I make small reports from them and post them here :  Field reports
Nov 7, 2014
Category: General
Posted by: lex
When you're a hamradio operator and like to build stuff, then you have to listen to the great PodCasts of Bill M0HBR and Mike KL7R : soldersmoke.com and also have to check out there absolute cool blog.
Oct 30, 2014
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Although my Ultimate3 was had a nice housing, a few controls where on the back and ther wasn't much room for additional stuff to be added. With that in mind I didn't hesitate a few months  ago when I had the opportunity to get my hands on a batch of nice modular metal plate housings which are by design excellent for filling up with hamradio stuff.

Readmore . . .

Sep 20, 2014
Category: General
Posted by: lex

After looking for a stand for my FT-817 I found the page of OK1CSS Stepan Synekwho made a very simple wire stand for his FT-817. When you have a FT-817 and are looking for a simple, field compatible stand. This is the one.

{cms_selflink page='ft-817-wire-stand' text='Readmore . . . '}

Aug 11, 2014
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Added a new Hamradio project to the list. A QRP SWR indicator box.

Check it out at : {cms_selflink page='qrp-swr-indicator-box' text='QRP SWR indicator box'}

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Next page: Yaesu FT-60e