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Dec 25, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

When you want to measure output power and don't have a power or dBm meter, but do have a oscilloscope and a 50 ohm load, you good to go.

Check out this page on which I describe how to do it. 

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Dec 13, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

I updated the 40dB RF Sampler page because although I was very happy with the result, I found out that I forgot a small thing.

To be exact, a small piece of wire which flattens the curve on higher frequencies. 

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Dec 3, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

In the winter of 2022 I bought the original TinySA at Eleshop and when they published that the would sell the TinySA Ultra, I ordered it right away.

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Oct 6, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

The last weeks I have worked on a few small mini projects :

Jul 31, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

The used Elecraft K2 I got my hands on needed some work on the 20m band and for the alignment of the 20m BPF I could follow the Elecraft manual. But owning a NanoVNA . . . . . well you know where this is going ;-)

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Jul 30, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

I got my hands on a used Elecraft K2 which needed some work. 

And as always I started working on it and added a usb mod