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Jul 12, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

My OZ2CPU digitale RF mW-dBm-mV meter has a  input range from 1nW to 1W which is good enough for QRPp rigs and my TinySA has a imput limit of +10dBm / 10mW.  When you want to measure on equipment which gives more output power, you need a serious set of attenuators, or you could build yourself a 40dB RF sampler.

continue reading . . .  

Jul 5, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Help spread the word and show your support with these free (vinyl) stickers.

Jul 4, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

On 30 june 2022 I got a mailing from RaspberryPI  store that the Raspberry PI foundation has released a new PI Pico which also includes a wireless module for Wifi and Bluetooth.

So I ordered 4 of them to get myself familiar with this new microcontroller and to do some experiments with it. And 1 day later postman dropped of a package. 

Continue reading . . . .

Jun 28, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Through this Soldersmoke blog post, I came across this blog post from Owen Duffy ex VK1OD now VK2OMD.

He asked him self  : Are radio hams 'makers' ?

IMHO a valid question on which I given my point of view.  Continue reading . . . . 

Jun 17, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Early June 2022 I got a e-mail from OM Cor PA4Q that he has visited my website again and he wrote me that he started to make the Anderson PowerPoles his standard connector for all the hamradio devices running on a 12-15V DC. He upgraded his FT817 like I did but he also wanted to upgrade other equipment and for that he needed good chassis parts. In his option (and I agree) these are hard to find or way to expensive. 

Continue reading . . . 

May 4, 2022
Category: General
Posted by: lex

Fellow ham and hamradio homebrewer Gilles F1BFU  bought 2 adapter kits of my for his experiments. After a few months he ordered 2 additional kits for a friend and told me that he was working on a uSDX version designed by Barb WB2CBA design. He asked me if I could design a adapter that could fit the WB2CBA LPF for measurements and when I told hem I could take a look at it if I had a LPF PCB he send me a bare PCB.

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