Bookshelf - Study

This page was last updated : 03-Aug-21 19:05:42

Everybody needs to study when you want to know thing you don't know. 

Note : these pages are work in progress, you may only see pictures, but I working on it to add meta data like : title, author, publisher, year of publication and ISBN. And also a short note why I have it and what I like about it (if I don't like a book, it won't get space on my bookshelf).    

Cursus boek voor het N-examen


  • Author : A. Nijveld PA0XAB
  • Publisher : VERON
  • ISBN : 9789070756512
  • Year : 2012 
  • Personal note : Not my original book I used to pass me novice exam, but bought a new one to help other people who want to get into hamradio.  


Examenopgaven F examens


  • Author : Stichting Radio examen
  • Publisher : VERON
  • ISBN : none
  • Year : 2013 
  • Personal note : when I trained for my Full license I used this book to test my knowledge. 


20 jaar uitgewerkte F examenvragen - PA4TON


  • Author : Tonny van der Burgh PA4TON
  • Publisher : private
  • ISBN : none
  • Year : 2021 
  • Personal note : 20 years long Tonny gave a full license course in the Netherlands. With a passing percentage of more then 80% it shows that he trained his students well. For the course he worked out a lot of questions in the official test showing his students not only what the correct answer is but also how to calculate / derive it.  When you a dutch hamradio operator i would recommend this book as a "pick it up once in a while and test your knowledge". 


VRZA cursus - radio zend amateur 5e druk


  • Author : VRZA
  • Publisher : VRZA
  • ISBN : none
  • Year : 1980 
  • Personal note : When I was 14 years old it got a copy of this book and started my interest in hamradio.  But due to other intrests (girls and computers) this book wasn't used much. 


Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik 1 & 2 - 5e auflage


  • Author : Huhrer, Heidemann, Neretter
  • Publisher : Carl Hanser Verlag
  • ISBN : 3-446-17510-5 & 3-446-17769-8
  • Year : 1994
  • Personal note : Bought these books for euro 1,00 each a the DNAT hamfest. Although in german, almost everything you need about electronics (incl transistors, fets etc) is covered. 


Werkbuch Elektronik


  • Author : Nuhrmann
  • Publisher : Franzis Nachslagewerk
  • ISBN : 3-7723-6543-4
  • Year : 1981 
  • Personal note : Bought for just euro 5,00 at the DNAT hamfest. More practical then the 2 grundgebeite der elektrotechnik mentioned above including example of usage of datasheets. 




  • Author : ing G.P. de Jong
  • Publisher : Educaboek
  • Year : TODO 
  • Personal note : My first true book on telecommunication, incl switch networks etc. used it for a year on the MTS (middle technical school).  





  • Author : Stratis Karamanolis
  • Publisher : Karmanolis verlag
  • ISBN : 3-922238-00-9
  • Year : 1979 
  • Personal note : Bought it for euro 1,00 each a the DNAT hamfest.  lots of detaild information and examples on how to measure lots of things in the hamradio domain. 


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