K2 speaker tube
This page was last updated : 04-Jun-23 22:54:17
A lot of OM's have pets in there shack, read the story about my shack pets. My shack has shack pets.
Continue reading . . . .
Every year in December VERON VRZA Twente organizes a self-build exhibition which I try to visit. I could drive with a fellow OM to the club house and I brought some project with me to show.
On hackaday there is a post with the question : Are Hackers the future of amateur radio?
I shared my thoughts on this. continue reading . . .
Hans Summers releases a new product: the QMX+ multi-band multi-mode transceiver. I didn't hesitated for a moment and ordered one.
The construction is documented in this page.
Adding some safety to my UpCon6W from Amsat-DL. A WG2020X Isolator from RF-TyT to protect me from screwing things up.
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