Ultimate3 QRSS kit - page 5

This page was last updated : 11-Mar-20 23:08:57

Ultimate3 QRSS kit - It's a live  . . i tell you


Now the GPS was working the calibration should have been done automaticly. So it was time to make my first steps in to the world of WSPR. Programming it to make it a WSPR transmition on 40m,


All I could do was wait for reports to come in on WSPRnet.org (link) and after some retries (not everybody is listening on 40m for WSPR), the first reports came in. An there they were, one from PI4THT (28 km away) and one from 4X1DA (3216 km away). Not bad for a first shot with just 150 mW :-)

But it even got better, I didn't put it on all the time because I was fixing the last wires, the GPS connectors and cleaning everyting up.

And then there wasN2NOM with a distance of 5989 km. Now we are talking.

2014-02-24 23:06 PH2LB 7.040185 -29 -2 JO32 0.2 N2NOM FN22bg 5989 295




Now that is QRP DX and I'm starting to like it :-)

p.s. oh did I tell you that I also orderd the Relay kit ? and aditional filters for 12, 15, 17 and 80m ? ;-)

Continue reading on next page : page 6 - relays